Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 157, 10/12/10 - Conway, NH to Cornish, ME

Just the Basics: 32 rather hilly miles, on a variety of roads - heavily traveled road with and without good shoulders, a back road which had virtually no traffic - but was mostly dirt; and some city streets. Riley got a haircut this morning and we didn't actually leave Conway until 10:30 a.m. or later; we arrived in Cornish before 5 p.m.

The fall colors continue to be breathtaking - the view from our motel room tonight is unbelievable.

We had oatmeal, English muffins and coffee for breakfast in Conway; Shepherd's Pie and coffee for lunch in Freyberg; and baked haddock stuffed with crab and topped with Newburg sauce tonight in Cornish.

Tonight we are at the Midway Country Lodging Motel in Cornish, which is modestly priced and utterly charming, as are our friendly hosts, Ron and Eileen McKinney.

About Those Numbers: Somehow we screwed up the numbering on the posts. We will go back and sort it out later, but a look at the calendar has convinced us that this is Day #157, whatever our earlier numbering may suggest!

Today's Photos: (1) Speaks for Itself; (2) The Seco River near Hiram, ME

Tomorrow: This journey's end! Barring the unexpected, we expect to arrive in Portland, ME some time tomorrow afternoon. We will head for the beach and splash water from the Atlantic onto our front tires, just as we had splashed water from the Pacific onto our rear tires 158 days ago when this journey began. We have wondered how we will feel at that moment - we thought perhaps the day would seem like any other on the ride. Tonight at dinner, however, we looked at each other and started to laugh at the realization that this day had finally almost arrived - we expect it to be pretty emotional.
We will spend Wednesday night at the La Quinta in Portland and Riley's sister Dawn and her husband Ron will pick us up Thursday and take us to Boston - they live there, as do two of our kids and their families.

For Those Who Want More: See you tomorrow.


  1. Woo hoo! Godspeed! I'll be thinking about both of you all day today (Wednesday)!

  2. Congratulations on making the last day! We are all so proud and inspired by both of you.

  3. An Email from Cousin Steve: Wow. Who woudda thought that the two of you couldn't count . . . um, er, . . . I mean, the end of your journey is at hand.

    What an incredible adventure it has been and how happy are your fans, family and friends, that you put almost as much effort into documenting your trip as you expended in pedaling across America. Your detailed first person accounts and all the people and places that you introduced us to were a treat to read every day. ESPN and the Riley and Becky blog site were two web pages that I read every day.

    Congratulations you two, on this incredible feat that you accomplished. I hope that all of the good karma that you generated during your travels follows you around for years to come. I hope that you are able to stay in touch with many of the new friends that you made during the trip. You met a number of really interesting and wonderful people.

    Congrats on beating the snows to Maine.

    Take care, Steve
