Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 129, 9/14/10 - Dunkirk to Hamburg, NY

Just the Basics: 41 miles - not the cheery sort we had yesterday! The roads mostly had no shoulders and were somewhat busy but it was a pretty day and we still had a good time. Our route took us through a part of the Cattaragus Indian Reservation and was never far from Lake Erie. Near the end of the day we started seeing the end of Lake Erie, with Buffalo on its shores, in the distance ahead.

No long stories to tell today, but see For Those Who Want More for some short ones!

Today's Photos: None today.

Tomorrow: About 45 miles to Lockport, where we will pick up the Erie Canalway Trail which we will then follow for about 90 miles in the days to come.

For Those Who Want More:

Lyle, in Silver Creek: We stopped at a grocery store in Silver Creek and met Lyle in the parking lot. He had lots of questions about our ride and told us about his first good bike - he bought a British-made black 3-speed Indian for $25 he'd earned helping his grandfather do some sort of farm work that involved horses pulling the equipment - he said it was the Rolls Royce of bikes in those days. We also learned a great saying from him: "A yard is hard but an inch is a cinch!" Lyle says this applies to both life and bike rides.

Muffins & Coffee in Silver Creek: We stopped at a little cafe for muffins and coffee. We had a great chat with the owner about the history of her small business which a daughter and son-in-law started about a year ago. She babysat for the kids until it became clear that it might make more sense for the parents to resume their old jobs in management with a chain restaurant - which allowed them to care for the kids themselves - and for her to buy and run the restaurant - so that's what they did! She told us she's wanted her own business since she was 13!

Lunch in Evangola State Park: We stopped on the shore of Lake Erie for our picnic lunch. A large group of folks was picnicking together - mostly young people but not entirely. One of the picnickers came to ask about our trip. Turned out she is a nursing instructor in a Job Corps program which trains Licensed Practical Nurses. She said the group is nearing graduation and she decided they really needed a break - so she invited the whole class to the park for a picnic day! Pretty neat.

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