Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 40, 6/17/10 - East Glacier, MT STILL!!

Just the Basics: Another day of waiting out the storm - some rain, cold, big winds. We have been reading Undaunted Courage, by Steven Ambrose, about Lewis and Clark and the Corp of Discovery, which we strongly recommend. Whenever they were forced to stay put they got antsy. Our situation is REALLY different - and incredibly more comfy than theirs ever was - but we're ready to move on!

Actually, we have now both finished the book and Riley has finished a related book - Lewis and Clark Through Indian Eyes, edited by Alvin M. Josephy, Jr., which he found both informative and, at times, very moving. Becky has just started it.

Another word or two about the Sears Motel where we are staying. It is a fascinating business: A simple motel, a gas station, a gift shop and a Budget Rent-A-Car agency. The manager says she typically works a 110 hour week during the season, with a crew of 4 part-timers. She's been doing it for 28 years and spends winters in FL, recovering! She's a kick to talk to.

Tomorrow: The weather is supposed to clear up as the day goes on; as of now we plan to make the 46 mile ride to Cut Bank. Should it turn out to be a poor idea, Browning is only 13 miles down the road, so we'll have a chance to change our minds.

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